Citation Information

Please call 844-850-3150 to get information concerning your citation.
Options for Settling Your Citation
Mail in your payment to: Poulan Municipal Court
204 Hunton Street SW
P.O. Box 69
Poulan, Georgia 31781
We accept Cashier's Checks, Money Order, or Cash.
Absolutely NO personal checks, debit/credit cards, or payment plans are accepted.
Options for Settling Your Citation
- Pay your citation in full before your court date
- Pay your citation BEFORE YOUR COURT DATE online at
- Appear in municipal court on your scheduled date and time before
Mail in your payment to: Poulan Municipal Court
204 Hunton Street SW
P.O. Box 69
Poulan, Georgia 31781
We accept Cashier's Checks, Money Order, or Cash.
Absolutely NO personal checks, debit/credit cards, or payment plans are accepted.